Monday, October 15, 2012

Classes, classes, classes

The classes started while we were still in the ICU. We barely had time to digest what had already happened and they were already giving us homework. 4 hours of sleep total in the last 2 nights, and we were doing homework. I'm not sure how much we actually absorbed those 2 days, but we did our best. As a teacher, I love learning. But this isn't something I ever wanted to learn!

They told us he would be hungry once his appetite returned, and boy were they right! He was eating massive amounts of meat and cheese between meals and snacks, just to get by. A trip to Red Lobster resulted in 125 shrimp being eaten, along with carefully calculated sides. I was buying 5 lbs of chicken breasts at a time and baking them for between meal snacks, as well as boiling a dozen eggs at a time. How long can this go on?? But he was regaining the weight he so desperately needed to gain, so I just kept cooking those carb free foods!

9 days after discharge, a full day class. Tons of information presented in a PowerPoint. Needed information, but boring. We learned how to estimate carbs, more about doing corrections, how to figure out snacks/insulin when exercising, and lots more. The dietician said if he was eating a whole chicken breast for a snack, then he needed a meal plan adjustment. That helped a bunch!

First doctor's appointment at one month, we learned more even though it wasn't an actual class. They introduced us to ratios. Ratios will make life a little more normal, I think.
Too tall to be measured!

Playing video games in the waiting room

Today, we had our second required class. I think we are all feeling better about how the ratios work, and they introduced us to a little more flexibility in both meals and snacks. We also met a family that lives not too far from us. The boy is 14, and was diagnosed about 3 weeks ago. It was nice to make a connection.

We have one more class to go, if Seth decides he wants to get a pump. He is researching, trying to figure out if it's right for him. There seem to be lots of pros and cons. Something else to learn!

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