Saturday, November 3, 2012

Of cereal and anger

Today I am both proud and angry. I am so very proud of Seth. He has taken on a photo challenge for National Diabetes Awareness Month. Each day this month, he is posting a picture on Instagram related to diabetes. Day 1 challenge was struggle. What did he post? A picture of a bowl of cereal. And that's why I am angry. Angry at diabetes for taking this away from my child. You see, Seth really loves cereal. I mean, he REALLY LOVES cereal. He would eat cereal any time of day. Yes, he can still eat cereal. But not without planning, calculating, and injecting. That's why I'm angry. A teenage boy should be able to eat a bowl of cereal without having to count. Every. Damn. Carb. We pray every day for a cure. Until then, we are thankful for the life-saving insulin that he injects 4 times a day or more. One day, we will KDA.

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