Monday, May 15, 2017

Expect the Unexpected - Diabetes Blog Week 2017

Wow, this is almost the motto in our diabetes life!
Probably the most unexpected thing was my diagnosis at age 45....the 3rd diagnosis in our house in less than 4 years.
In everyday life, we have learned to expect the unexpected. We try to prepare for all possibilities. We go through the checklist before we leave the house....insulin, pen needles, snacks, meter, test strips. We're ready for the highs and lows.
Probably the hardest thing to manage is the fact that our 3 bodies sometimes react very differently to the same foods and situations. We are each learning our bodies and how they respond to different things. It's a life long learning process.
Some of the things that keep it fun with so much diabetes in the house is watching for matching blood sugar numbers on our Dexcoms. This is the closest to triplets we've ever been! Maybe one day I'll get that unexpected surprise!

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  1. Wow, I have a hard enough time handling the unexpected for just me - I can't imagine keeping on top of three. That Dex photo is magical though!!

    1. All of us are technically adults. I don't manage them too terribly much, but it can still be overwhelming!

  2. So close! Isn't it crazy how every t1 is affected differently by the same foods? I'd love to know why!

  3. Wow, that really is unexpected! not only to be diagnosed at age 45 but to be the third in four years! Hugs to you and your family.

    1. Thanks! It's crazy sometimes, but we really support each other well.

  4. I was diagnosed at 42, that should have made my unexpected list too! To be the third in the family...I can't even imagine.

  5. Wow Cassie - seems I've been away too long. I didn't know you were diagnosed. I'm not even sure I knew your second child was diagnosed. It's not an excuse but moving from TX to CA and then 18 months later moving to WA pretty much wiped me out for a couple years when it came to blogging and reading blogs.
    I'm sorry for how crazy things got in your home over the last few years.
    I get the looking for matching numbers game. My phone has 3 numbers too - sometimes 4 when a friend travels alone. If all the numbers ever match perfectly I'm buying a lotto ticket.

    1. My 2nd child is still good, for now! It's me, my husband, and our youngest son. Weird, huh??

  6. My husband was diagnosed at 42, 4 months after our son. It can be overwhelming at times!
