Thursday, May 19, 2016

The Healthcare Experience - 2016 Diabetes Blog Week Day 4

Day 4 prompt: Most people who live with a chronic illness end up with a lot of experience when it comes to dealing with healthcare. How would you improve or change your healthcare experience? What would you like to see happening during medical visits with your healthcare team? How about when dealing with your health insurance companies? What's your Healthcare Wish List or Biggest Frustration? Today is the day to share it all!

I'm actually pretty happy with my current doctor. He is kind, compassionate, and knowledgeable. I've only had one visit with him, but my husband has been going to him for several years. 

Our insurance through our employer is very expensive  (isn't everyone's?) but the coverage is pretty decent. We haven't yet had to fight for anything we need. We haven't started exploring pumps yet, but I don't think we'll have issues there either.

My biggest issue has been with misdiagnosis. Jason was initially misdiagnosed as type 2 and spent several years frustrated and defeated. Seth was initially diagnosed with a mono-like virus and ended up in ICU in DKA. And even though I was armed with specific information, I was initially misdiagnosed by the clinic PA. He was condescending and closed-minded. I presented him with data (sudden onset of symptoms, blood sugar levels, rapid weight loss, etc) and he dismissed it all. He told me flat out there is no way I have type 1. At my age, it can only be type 2. "You would have known before now." I vowed when I heard those words that I would a) not listen to anything else he said, and b) never see him again. I endured the rest of the visit as best I could. Jason is a healthcare professional, and noted several things this guy did wrong, including the way he listened to my heart and lungs. He was unprofessional and lazy in his exam. He wrote me off as a fat, lazy type 2. Please know that is not at all how I feel about people with type 2; that was the vibe he was giving off. He gave me no guidance on diet or exercise, simply said, "Take this pill and come back in a month." I was livid! If this is how people with type 2 are treated by the medical professionals, then no wonder there is such a problem!  I felt dehumanized and worthless, and I knew he was wrong. How awful must it be for people with type 2 that encounter this type of "professional." My heart just aches for them. I deserved better, and I got it. They deserve better, and I'm so afraid many don't get what they truly need. Compassion, kindness, knowledge, and empowerment. Those are the things that people with all types of diabetes need in order to KDA.

To read how others are responding to this prompt, click here

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  1. Ugh I'm so sorry to hear about the misdiagnoses. I can't believe that still happens with all the information out there now.

    1. I know! Hard to believe it still happens, especially with me being the 3rd in our family and I had all the information! That guy was just a tool.

  2. so sorry for your husband's rough start, but so glad you both have the dr you like now! makes a huge difference!

    1. Thanks! A doctor that listens makes all the difference in the world.
