Today is my 1st diaversary. Even though I knew 12 days earlier that I had t1d, today was the day a doctor confirmed it. This is the third time our family has experienced the first year diaversary.
During the past year, I've still lived a full life. Here's a summary of my activities since this time last year.
Organized d supplies for 3. This has been a challenge! Diabetes supplies take up a ton of space.
Said goodbye to our last grandparent. We lost Jason's grandma last April. She was the last grandparent between us.
Dad threw surprise birthday party for me and mom. Our birthdays are 1 week apart. My parents are the best! (That's my sweet friend in the pic, not my mom.)
I went to Chicago on a school trip to check out a program with a team of teachers and administrators. Flew for the first time with d, and the first time in quite a few years.
Got used to diet DP. This was a biggie. I wasn't sure I'd be able to adjust, but the thought of drinking water only for the rest of my life was a terrible prospect.
Ran concession stand at the pool all summer, with the help of our boys. This us our vacation money.
Met close friend's kiddo at hospital after he was in a car accident. I could get there faster than my friend, as they were flying the kiddo there by helicopter.
Helped with a benefit volleyball tournament for a sweet friend with cervical cancer.
Started year 22 of teaching.
Celebrated Seth's 4th diaversary.
Met Laura Wilkinson at a coaching clinic.
Went on Christmas cruise with Jason and the boys. I'm still working on a separate post for that.
Helped coach our girls and boys swim teams to district championships.
Multiple vehicles woes. At one point during the year, we had one working vehicle for 4 adults trying to get to work/school in 3 different directions. Thankfully, friends and family helped us get where we needed to be!
Life continued. Nothing around me changed. I had to figure out how to fit diabetes management into my life, not life into diabetes. The first year is behind me. It only gets better from here on out! KDA