Monday, April 28, 2014

Graduation Day #1

Seth has graduated from the pediatric endocrinology clinic. His endos (his endo has a fellow, who has been his primary doctor since diagnosis) had nothing but nice things to say about how well he has managed, wished him well for the future, etc.  It was a really nice appointment. Now the search is on for an adult endo.  We have a list, but how do you even begin to choose?

A1c was awesome, and he has gained 8 pounds since last time (yea!).  It could have been from all the Cajun food on his band trip. 

We celebrated the day by eating at his favorite BBQ place before the appointment, then had a few minutes to walk around one of the city parks for. It was a good day.

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Saturday, April 26, 2014

Long Distance Carb Counting

Have you ever tried to count carbs from a menu without ever seeing the food?  It's hard!!  Seth is on a trip with his high school band, and that's what I've been doing for 3 days.  They have been eating at great restaurants that I have menus for (I was able to find the group menus online), but no nutritional information.  So....I've been guessing portion sizes and estimating carbs for him. I know the menu pictures are hard to read, they just have my scribbles of carb guesses on them.  So far, I think I've done ok.  He'll be home tomorrow night, and I'll be so happy to see him!

Getting ready to leave.
1 bag of clothes/toiletries.  3 bags of diabetes supplies and snacks.

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